2015. december 29., kedd

Help me plz. Need relationship advice...

Hey. I've never been in a relationship before and I'm kind of scared of letting myself be vulnerable to someone in a romantic way. I met this really awesome dude, whose uber nice and kind. I mean you can really tell by the way he talks that he is into the conversation. I mean really i think we're just perfect for each other. However its weird because apart of me, is telling me like "you could never get a guy like that, hes way to good for you, don't trust him" ect ect.Idk what to do. Im so used to following my gut decision, but with myself I guess "falling in love" even though idk what that means. It might be messing with how I think.Tldr: How do I know if a guy says who he says it is, and if I can trust him. (I've met him online, and hes only a 30 min drive away) I need advice on how vulnerable should i let myself be.

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