2015. december 21., hétfő

Is he hitting on me or just friendly?

So I was at the mall waiting for my food when this guy whom I found attractive came from the side. I gave a glance but didnt really do much, but then to my surprise he came over and complimented me on my jacket and asked where I got it. That started a short dialogue and he ended up getting his food first and sat down in the food court alone. After I got mine and built up the courage, I went over and talked to him again, then asked if he didn't mind if I sat and ate with him. It was a normal introductory talk about where we work, live, hobbies, etc, but I felt it went really well with no awkward pauses and a general interest from both sides. Towards the end, he mentioned that our jobs might overlap a bit and that he's always looking for good connections with business, and he asked me for my number.Anyways this is all completely new to me so I'm just wondering if this guy's into me or just overly friendly. I know there's not much to go on but I've just never heard of a straight guy complimenting another guys clothes, let alone sitting down with him and asking for his number afterwards. Though he did mention an ex girlfriend, which makes me think he might just be friendly.

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