2015. december 16., szerda

What do I do next?

This guy I am attracted to is driving me crazy. We are coworkers. I am pretty sure he is gay. We have locked eyes multiple times. Idk, if he has a bf or not. Anyway, I didn't think he was interested, so I gave up talking to him. Then he started initiating convos with me almost daily on the interoffice IM. However, whenever we have company functions, he avoids speaking to me it seems. I am guessing because he doesn't want people to start talking, which I understand. I've only been with the company for 6 months. Then, just last week, he asked me if I wanted to hang out. He had a couple of concerts in my area that he was interested in attending and asked me if I wanted to go to either one. This was after work on a weekday. I said sure. We exchange numbers for the first time. I checked the concert dates, and there were other tour dates with venues more convenient to him. So, it seems like he was just looking for an excuse to meetup. During dinner before the concert he had mentioned that he always has to initiate convos with me, and wanted to know why I don't talk more. Otherwise there was generally no flirting. The concert was loud. When I have to say something in a loud room I usually just shout. He spoke into my ear, and was close enough for me to feel his lips brush my earlobe. Fast forward to the next day. I tell him thanks for inviting me out, and that I had a lot of fun. He says "it was a solid hang." What does this all mean? Does he want to be friends or is he looking for something more? He's asked me to hangout, and I think the ball is in my court now, but I am still not sure how he feels. He's also generally more social than me, so I don't want to read too much into things. What do I do next?

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