2015. december 16., szerda

Just asking for a bit of advice

to make a long story short I never got out much while I was living at home, I wasn't really closeted cause I've always had an attitude of this is who I fuckin am and if you don't like it go pound salt in your ass. however it was clear that while it would be 'tolerated' at my home I'd never really be bringing anyone home for the holidays or able to really meet anyone while I was living at home, so I just didn't. now I joined the US Navy and am living out of a barracks, being alone sucks but I have no idea how to meet some one, so yeah, fuck me right? oh and I'm also in Pensacola which is apparently infested with syphilis, so that's great.in other words I'm a clueless SOB and don't know how to really meet people, any tips or tricks? like shit I got nothing other then 'oh just go to a gay bar' and do what? seriously I'm honestly clueless here.

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