2015. december 21., hétfő

Revelations 11:45 (p.m.)

So I've been looking at gay bars, checking out the different apps and exploring this subreddit in attempt to find some kind strategy for putting myself out there and connecting with people for the first time. However, I had a random thought: I haven't even considered why I want someone else in my life.I'm 25 and about to graduate from college (grad school) and have not had any kind of dating or relationship experience. That being said, I just realized that I don't want a hookup or a relationship just for the sake of having one just because I feel like I'm behind.I think I needed to have this thought so that when I put myself out there (which I have trouble doing) I can at least do it for more of the right reasons. Idk why, just thought I'd put this out there.

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