2015. december 17., csütörtök

Birthday present for boyfriend?

've been constantly thinking for way over a month what to get my boyfriend for his birthday.. And there's also Christmas next week!!We only met nearly two months ago..but we talked everyday for atleast 2 months before the big day! It's strange how it feels like I've known him for years! I'm only 18 and it's he's going to be 20! This is a whole new experience to me, I never had imagined everything that's happened so far to be so amazing and that love could feel so powerful! However out of everything, decideing what to buy him for his birthday has been the hardest part!?Every idea I've had I've told myself he wouldn't like that or no he deserves better. I feel so bad because I should know what he wants but this is such a hard decision! He loves fashion and music, but I know people like to buy their own clothes and he already has nearly every Mariah Carey album! I had thought about a ring but how can I find his size without him knowing and then knowing what his present will be.. I feel like money or gift cards just show you didn't put any effort or thought into it?I also won't be seeing him until the day after his birthday, I feel like I should do something on his birthday, maybe send him some flowers or write a song / poem about him?I just don't want to give him or do something that he might not like, I always want everything to be amazing and feel like this should be an easy decision that I shouldn't need help with but I'm running out of time and actually feel like I'm going to cry soon :|Does anyone ever have this problem when buying presents, it always feels so easy buying for girls, why is this so hard :(

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