2015. december 27., vasárnap

Need opinions.

I just recently came out as gay to close friends and family.There is one guy I haven't told I am gay yet. No real reason I havent other then I dont think its somthing you just say out of no where.anyways! I am falling hard for this man he is sweet smart works in the hvac field same as me he Is also super cute!.I dont know if he is gay.He will call me after work just to talk about his day we will talk for a hour then meet up for cigars and coffee when he gets drunk he calls me when he gets bored at home he calls to talk about his day.Not only that but when he gets drunk at a party he gets very touchy grabbing me bumping into me "accidentally hitting my foot" onec he layed his head on my shoulder I almost squeeld.Not only that he constantly makes gay jokes like drinking a "cup o cum" or "the only ass I would lick is yours"Now I know after reading this your probably thinking hell yea he is gay!. But we live in a conservative texas town and we are also both freemasons and are lodge might shun us.I cant tell if he really likes me romantically or he is just "joking around with his friend".I don't want to ask him and it ruin are friendship

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