2015. december 10., csütörtök

College student seeking advice about sex

the title is really broad, so what i actually need advice about is this..so long story short: i'm in college, i live in a dorm. I met a guy from grindr who also lives in the same building. We started talking, then texting, and we've hung out a few times now.We haven't done anything beyond his arm around my shoulder and holding hands while watching a movie.Anyway tonight after we hung out he said he really liked me. i told him i like him too, i do. Otherwise I wouldn't be hanging out with him.Thing is, i'm not looking for a relationship right now. And I do like him, but I don't necessarily want to date him..I think I fucked up by not being up front about this in the beginning, because now I feel like it's too late.We have plans to hang out Saturday, and I have a feeling, based on the way things have been progressing, that we'll kiss/make out.My question is this. Am I a bad person to continue seeing him and to have sex with him if I don't want to date him? I guess I should be up front with him before Saturday huh?Also, is it normal to see a guy like this without intentions of you know, becoming each others 'boyfriends'.. Or am I being a slut...lmao I'm actually very conflicted over this right now and would love your guys advice. thanks so much!

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