2015. november 1., vasárnap

Is he interested or am I desperate?

Went to a party last night with my bestie. I was joined by her boyfriend and friends. One of them was her boyfriend's close friend. Straight. A little b/g.. I was told he was engaged before but called it off. Still there was something about him. Yes, I did think he's cute and a total hunk. But I tend not to be very obvious about such things.Long story short, I'll just highlight the details.. We hit it off..had a couple of drinks, played a couple of drinking games.. in one, we had to drink sometime someone calls out "I've never not..." - he drank when someone said "I have never not kissed a guy before". Red flag!We were on the dance floor: cramped as hell. That's when it happened. I felt that he was drawing closer to me. He kept putting his hands around my waist, my shoulder and my arm. Basically, his hands were all over me at different times. He could have been dancing with the few other girls that were in our group.. But he kept standing around me.Being me, I decided to test my suspicions.First, I walked away from him and stood in another corner of our little dance circle (it was a cramped, bloody dance floor).. Before long, he was standing right next to me again. Me: freaking out but secretly LOVIN it. Second, a girl approached me and asked me what's my type. I took the opportunity to say out loud that I swing for the other team. He heard it. I'm sure. Third, I continued dancing with the girl, moving away from the group (dick move, yes!). But poof, he stands right back next to me... hands all over. Fourth, I decided to be a bit bolder and started touching him back. I literally ran my hands down his back and his arms. He reciprocated. At this point, I was really, really turned on. But I had to control myself. It was strange... Could this straight guy be actually interested in me... was all that was running through my mind.We left the club and went for a quick meal.. When we settled, he had to sit next to me (heart sank). Throughout the meal, he kept pushing food to me. When we left the restaurant to head back home, he was going to hop on the cab and he asked if I was coming! (heart skipped a beat) It was probably just him asking if I wanted to share a cab with him... But..!Did I miss something? Maybe I'm just being desperate. I've not been attached for as long as I remember. So I think this is just me misreading all signals. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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