2015. november 16., hétfő

In love with a straight(?) guy

Im a senior in high school, and I always knew I was gay ever since I was a kid. Anyways, I think that I'm 'in love' with this guy. I've always had infatuations with other guys, but they've only lasted for only about a month. With this guy, its different. I started liking him in my sophmore year and I thought 'I'll get over him soon enough.' I haven't. In fact, it just keeps getting stronger. I LITERALLY think about him everyday. Everytime I play a song, I think of him. Everytime my phone rings, I always hope that it's him calling to confess his love for me (I know, Im gross). The thing is, I don't know if hes gay. Im not out of the closet, and dont plan to be until Im in University (in a few months). He shows no sign of interest to girls. He's not a social guy outside of school. The worst part is, idk if he likes me too. Like the rare times we hangout after school (we have mutual friends) I catch him staring at me. But I don't know if he actually is, or if Im convincing myself hes interested just cuz he 'looked' at me. I joined some clubs he's in just so I can see him more, but I get super quiet when Im around him. Im a socially active guy, but when he's in the room I just can't help to be quiet cuz Im too scared to embarass myself. Any tips on approaching him? Or even better, getting over this stupid crush.

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