2015. november 1., vasárnap

I have a crush on a supposedly straight guy and I'm kinda getting tired of his shit

I'm a 17 yo gay guy and I met this guy called Jake (not his real name) in my accounting class, the first time we spoke he was asking a lot of stuff like what kind of music I like and about tv show (everything I care about tbh) and he made some jokes. We started talking a lot to each other since then.I like him because he's very funny and I just like to spend time with him, he isn't the most attractive person I've seen but he's cute so it's not just physical attraction.He likes to hug me a lot (a lot!) and he sometimes takes my hand and plays with it and compliments me a lot but then acts like it's a joke and he doesn't act like that with any other of his male friends so I really think he's into me but somedays he's just talking about girls and says stuff like "ohh I want to date a girl that..." And I always act cool about it but he makes me think that he wants something and then tries to act super straight.I'll invite him to go to a bar next Friday (don't tell the cops) and I'll see how it goes.I wish I could just ask him if he wants something else besides friendship with me but I don't want to make our friendship weird in case he says no.One time I asked him if he's was straight or something else and he just made a joke about being a very manly hairy men although he's hairless lmao so it's not 100% clear if he's straight or not.I kinda think he's confused and want to try something with me but he's kinda scared or something but I just can't ask him.I'd like to know if he's into me and become officially boyfriends (I say officially because a lot of people think we are a couple but we're always like "neh we're just friends") because next year I'm going to study to another state and I don't think I'll see him in a lot of years so I don't want to already be thousands of miles away and find out that he wanted to be with me all the time.TL;DR; : A supposedly straight friend of mine acts very affective towards me and I'd like to start a relationship with him but I think he's kinda scared so he doesn't ask me out and I'm kinda tired of all of that.

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