2015. szeptember 6., vasárnap

Unexpected end to a seemingly great/new relationship, feels like we're throwing something good away

Me (17M) and my boyfriend (18M) broke up about two weeks ago. We met in early June and were together pretty much all summer up to now. We had an incredible amount of fun and really enjoyed each other's company. Granted, we may have moved too fast, but it was a collaborative effort. He said I love you spur of the moment to me which caught me by surprise and then he said "sorry, please don't get freaked out and break up with me." I responded by saying I'm not freaked out and I'm not going anywhere, and that I love him too. I really felt like we worked together. I showed him nothing but love and care for the time that we were together.However, about two weeks ago, he took an entire week of seeing me and basically just ignored me. That really hurt. I finally got him to call me (worst method of breaking up besides texting). His excuse was first that he was too busy, and that he had work, school work, and his car was broken. So the only real method was for him to call me. When he finally called me, he basically said he wasn't ready for a relationship and that he was entirely too busy (two months and an 'I love you' too late?) I asked him why he felt like I was a burden to him and he said I wasn't and that I was perfect and deserved better. I said if there was anything that he had to tell me that he just had to be honest with me, and he said there's nothing else to say (which confuses me and I'm not sure if I should believe it). He asked if we could still please be friends and I feel bad but I had to say no. If he doesn't have time for me to be his boyfriend, how will he have time for me to be his friend? Not to mention I'm in love with him..... Ironically enough, the first time we talked about being "official" not only was it his idea to talk about becoming boyfriends, he also said that if something went wrong and we didn't last he really wants me in his life as a friend. (This part has been haunting me. What does it mean?). When we first met we talked and shared everything about our lives, and I told him things I haven't told anyone. I know he's hurting inside like everyone else because he's lost and confused about where his life is heading, and I tried really hard to be there for him but he just wouldn't let me in.So, here I am, two weeks later, haven't talked to him since the night he called me, and I miss him and I feel like we're throwing this away.TL/DR: Me (17M) and my boyfriend (18M) broke up shortly after getting really serious. He told me he loves me and then ends it for no real reason other than "I'm not ready."

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