2015. szeptember 15., kedd

This has happened so many times.. Gay and lonely, need advice.

Hi reddit. This is my first time ever posting. Its 1 in the morning and I cant sleep due to how shitty I feel. Im 27, male, gay...trying to find my place in the world..a companion as well. I suffer from depression and anxiety and feel like its always getting the best of me. Every day is a constant struggle to keep clear mind and focus on daily tasks, work, etc. Im no spring chicken and hate the thought of being a lonely old gay man, but Ive never seriously dated anyone ever. I dont know exactly what turns people off about me..but people that im interested in usually dont feel the same way.. Heres whats been really bothering me.. to the point Ive cried over it numerous of times, which I think is pathetic. I was talking to this wonderful guy who is drop dead gorgeous, charming, sweet, thoughtful, and seemed to be interested in me. I noticed him on an app sorta like tinder..making friends etc. We talked for awhile on the app. Then graduated to a kik account. Then finally exchanging numbers. We were totally vibing..but he made it clear he wasnt looking to date. So things pretty much fizzled after that. We stopped talking. About a year later.. This past July...he adds me on Facebook! We get talking again and exchange numbers for the second time. We texted everyday going back and forth..completely vibing again. We finally met a couple weekends ago. Had a nice time, went shopping, grabbed food. Talked for awhile and he held the door for me everywhere we went. Ever since then things havent been the same. We havent talked nearly as much. I feel like he just lost interest. He will text me every so often just to see gow things are going..but he takes days to respond and I feel like he feels sorry or is letting me down easy. I dont get it because we got along so well and I had such high hopes for this one. Im truly crushed and have lost interest in everything. Ive never felt so lonely in my life. Thisnisnt the first time this has happened. Ill meet someone then they just fizzle or stop texting. I dont deserve this. Help

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