2015. július 2., csütörtök

Need help - my husband was molested, almost raped, and is constantly hit on by males - and is now questioning his sexuality.

I posted in /r/relationships about my husband who confessed to me about a week ago that he was molested by his (since passed) brother at a very young age.http://ift.tt/1C8VMwu then, we have had our first counseling session, which I attended out of support for him. He ended up describing a lot of times that he has been hit on by males - not only this instance of molestation from his brother, but another instance of a so-called friend who tried to rape him (which I did not know about previously), and many, many other instances of men coming onto him strongly - some of them which I have been present for. Up until about a week ago this was actually a running joke in our group of friends - that my husband gets hit on by men constantly. It really happens - A LOT.The counselor had a lot of questions for him, mostly about how the molestation and all of these incidents made him feel - and he said that said he is completely attracted to me (a woman) and not to men, but he worries that there is something that these homosexual men see that he is not seeing, causing them to come on to him.I've never thought that my husband was gay. I have no clue why homosexual men are receiving that signal from him. After counseling he said that he doesn't think he's gay, and I told him if he feels like he wants to experiment and find out for sure, to be honest and I will respect that, grant him that space, and stand by him. He said no that's not what he wants. The conversation still worries me and I'm not sure how to proceed.I would LOVE input from any males who have been in my husband's shoes, or anyone who has any input on anything else I should do. I want to help him through this no matter the outcome. I know many gay people go through life acting straight to appease others and I DO NOT want that to happen to my husband if that is truly the case.

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