2015. július 21., kedd

Should I and how should I approach my friend?

So I need some advice on a situation I'm having so I'll write some background and then ask my questions.So I'm gay but in the closet. However I just found out my best friend from middle school (we've haven't been in touch since middle school) is also gay but out. I just found out because we're both doing internships abroad now in the same country and I ran into him on the street. Anyway, he invited me to "his club" which I found out from some friends is a gay club he goes to. Frankly, I'm not interested in going clubbing, but I'd be interested in seeing him maybe for dinner. We can't start a relationship since we live far away now and won't see each other past the end of the month, but I'd like to maybe engage in something sexual since I'm not out and I want a chance to finally try something.So, is this reasonable or am I shallow or something? Should I reach out to see him for dinner? Is it completely stupid of me to hope for a one night stand if I open up to him? I've never had sex or anything so I don't know if this is me wishful thinking and being perverted or if I could actually see him and maybe do something. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.Also, if it's relevant, I don't even know if we'll click in conversation or anything. It's been years and he seems a bit different so I don't know if we'll click like in middle school.

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