2015. július 25., szombat

A Friend of mine experimented on me and now I feel bad.

Well, this is a long story, so if you don't want to read this, just go down and there is a tl;dr.I've been living in Turkey for a long time and recently I got the news that I'd be going to Venezuela (my home country) for about 2 weeks because of a family issue. This was great news for me because I got to see all my friends that I hadn't seen in a year. Once here, I met up with all of my friends and it was awesome. There, a friend of mine who I'll call "Adam" asked me if I wanted to get a hickie. Adam and I have had some history, he's always acted really gay, but has always denied it acting like a homophobe. I said yes to the hickie proposal. After two days or so, he calls me, he asks me if I want to go to the movies with him. I said yes, just because I wanted to see the movie (it was Paper Towns). Once in the movie theater, the film had already started, he decides to go for a kiss. I kept kissing. It just felt so damn good. I wanted more and then he just stopped kissing me and said he needed to go to the bathroom. He then came back and finished the film. Then when we leave, he texts me that I was a good kisser, but that he didn't enjoy it, not at all. He said that he was experimenting with me, and I asked him why didn't he tell me in the first place. I haven't talked to him since and I don't know why but I feel super bad.Thing is, we both are in relationships, he's dating a girl and I'm dating a guy (it's long distance so I don't have physical contact). This being my first actual kiss with a guy, it just killed me. It was so perfect.Now, I feel super sad because I want more. I want to feel what I felt today again, and I don't want it to stop. I really don't know what to do.tl;dr: An old friend of mine decided to experiment his sexuality with me without telling me by kissing me without warning. I loved it, felt a connection, but he didn't enjoy it nor felt a connection. Both of us are in relationships except mine is long distance and I want physical contact. I don't know what to do.

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