2015. július 23., csütörtök

Just Wrote Myself Out Of Committing Suicide

I just was about to commit suicide but I remembered this amazing person I follow on twitter who is a former classmate of mine and an excellent writer and poet. Instead of doing something drastic, I decided to get on my computer and write what I was feeling and express myself.I didn't realize I had so much to say, but I wrote six pages, over 1,400 words. I hate writing, so this was much for me. I was crying hard for the first three pages but I was laughing for the last three pages. I got all I wanted to say out and at the end I was really happy and I didn't want to end my life.Before you do anything drastic, try writing. It might help you and keep you alive like it did with me. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

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