2015. július 20., hétfő

I'm Sorry

TL;DR: I ruined a guy's relationship that he had with me by ignoring himDisclaimer: I changed the name of the people in this story so I don't out anybody.I was 16 my name is Jacob, I was friends with a girl in my class named Robin. During this time I was noticing I had some gay tendencies, and confided this fact to Robin she said she knew a guy that was looking for a date in the school. That day I did something I normally didn't do, I faked an illness to get out of the classroom and go see this guy. His name was Greg, he was mind numbingly cute. He had the "gay lisp" that most found annoying but it made me crazy for him. We talked for a while outside of his classroom. We even kissed briefly and nearly got caught. He wasn't my first kiss, but I still remember him after 15 years. We exchanged numbers and decided to meet at a movie theater. I don't remember the movie we saw but I do remember two things. 1. We made out a lot during the movie (probably why I don't remember the movie). 2. We took pictures together in the photo booth. Our second date was at my parents house they didn't know it was a date. I was so at ease with my new sexuality no more pressure and found a great guy. I told my parents about it and they were ok with and I was talking with Greg every day on the phone. I never told my brother not because I was afraid but because it wasn't his business. He was the one guys I expected not to care, I couldn't have been more wrong. He came home after finding out and screamed at and tried to beat me up. He said I was an abomination and I wasn't his brother anymore. I failed Greg that night. Ashamed of who I was, and what my brother had said I did something really stupid. I broke up with Greg and ignored him, I never gave him a reason for the break up and I hurt him. I hate myself every day for that. If your reading this Greg I ruined us I'm sorry. Don't let hate stop love.

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