2015. július 21., kedd

I'm terrified of going out to meet new guys

TL;DR: The title of this post is just aboveMore detail: I'm a 22 gay guy. I've been out to everyone since I was 18 and my whole family and all my friends support me. I'm also really accepting of the fact that I'm gay to the point that I would not change it even if I were ever given the choice. I just like guys too much. .-.I've had one serious, long-term relationship that lasted 3 and a half years and ended earlier this year. Held hands, kissed, sex, all that kind of stuff. Before that I didn't exactly do anything with that. First kiss was with a girl at a bar when I got absolutely hammered at 16. Second kiss was with a guy when I was drunk at 18. Held hands with a girl I was in a relationship with at 15. But that's really all.My problem is that I think I have some form of social anxiety. I'm ready to move on and meet new people and maybe date again if I like the person enough. But I can't get over this crippling, nauseating feeling when someone asks me to meet them. So I haven't met up with anyone yet. We talk and when they ask to meet I feel like my whole body has run cold and I start shaking and feeling as if adrenalin is pumping through me and I have to tell them I can't and I feel bad because they usually get annoyed even after I explain why I can't.I don't even know what's so scary about meeting them. I think. I'm always, always worried that they aren't going to like something about me. I know most people would tell me "it's not that bad. Just get over it" but, to me, it's like, you're not going to tell someone who broke his arm to just get over it because that does nothing. I don't know if that comparison is exaggeration or whatever but it doesn't feel like it to me.And I guess I'm terrified because I don't know how to hold a conversation. How do you talk to someone consistently? I don't want to try make them have to do all the effort of making conversation. And when I try to talk to people about their interests a lot of them will say "chilling with friends. Partying" and then I have no clue how to ask more about that. This post is a mess, is this even making sense? x-x I'm also scared because what if they try kiss me or want something more. I'm fine with that stuff but I worry that I can't do it properly because I don't have experience. I really have googled how to kiss and everything. It's so embarrassing x-xBut yeah. I guess I'll try summarise what I'm looking for. Mostly, I just want to get over this horrible fear of actually going to meet people. And I want to learn how to keep a conversation going with someone. I'm not very good at doing that but I want to be. I want to show people I'm interested in the and what they do but I don't know how when I don't et much to work with.I'm sorry if the formatting sucks, using my phone. 😋

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