2015. július 19., vasárnap


After YEARS of questioning my sexuality (I'm 20), I finally feel solid. I can say to myself, "Yes! I am bisexual!"Because I really didn't know. I knew I liked girls, that was easy. Sex came easy and I knew I liked it. But even after fantasizing about being with guys for YEARS I wasn't sure if I was bisexual because I'd never tried it.Well I met a guy online and had a blast. And you know what? It's so freaking nice to think about having sex with guys without it being this big frightening deal, or being some crazy fantasy that I'm not even sure I want, it's just something I can do! There are so many more options now! Woman AND men!I didn't even realize how the uncertainty was driving me nuts until it went away.I just needed to share this. Thanks.

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