2015. július 23., csütörtök

Found out my friend who I am extremely attracted to is also gay...

Going to try and keep this brief. I am homosexual, but in the closet still (sadly). A friend of mine who I have known for a long time, and whom over the years I have developed a strong attraction to, recently came out as gay, which was great to hear in all honesty. The problem- he also announced he has had a boyfriend on the go for around a year. Now I have no idea if my friend would be interested in a sexual relationship with me (he doesnt even know I am also homosexual yet) but obviously he has a boyfriend so it rules the possibility out.Problem- we are going on a short holiday together in a few months. If he were single I would make my move- obviously I would do anything so spend the weekend having sex with him, but as I try to be a decent human I will have to resist the urge for advances. The advice I could really do with is: Should I tell him I am also gay, and when? and how am I going to get through this holiday...TLDR; My friend who I am infatuated with recently came out as gay, to my delight- however he has a boyfriend. I have a holiday with him soon and don't know what to do.

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