2015. július 31., péntek

Drunken life regrets

I remember meeting my ex at a local club. Sexy as fuck and the lights and booze just enhanced every bit of it. I made out w him in a corner somewhere before my friends cock blocked me and hauled me back to base. I remember feeling sad and lonely since I would never see him again Till I heard "hey there sexy. Didn't think I'd be seeing you here." Seeing him made my heart leap and my body almost burst w happiness as I springing up and hugged him. We spent that night and many more nights together, but we didn't work out cause of my dumb ass. I didn't want to come out to my friends or my family and I never told him I loved him. Sadly, it's these type of things I think about while drunk and married. I loved that fucker and my own pointless fears and conceptions kept me from holding the one person I feel like I truly connected w and loved. If you are reading this and haven't come out yet or have fears please take my advice and do what makes you the Most happy. It's not worth living the dreams of other people and be a shell of a Human living purely to make other happy. It hurts and sucks. I found and lost the a person I loved more than snything on this earth(including my twin) please don't make my mistake and piss it all away for someone else

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