2015. július 31., péntek

Uplifting story to share in the light of so much negativity in the press.

I stumbled into a very happy day for me as a gay man in a time where I am seeing so much negativity toward LGBT in the press. Thought you might like to share in the joy.I recently finished our last band camp for the ultra-small, über-conservative town I work for. One of my students (graduated senior) volunteered to use his truck to help haul instruments back to the school. We both ended up jogging across town at the end of the route to get it.While we were jogging, he asked me if I was married. I hesitantly told him no, and asked why. He mentioned my ring - the one my bf got me at our first Pride and that he saw my recent FB posts (only friends once he graduated). I gave him one of those "ahhhh...so you know" looks and he just laughed and said it was cool and that he was really happy for me.It made me feel really good to hear that the youth is not always the spitting image of the adult population who spew hate and intolerance. I think we have more hope than we know. :)TL;DR - student found out I was gay, told me he was really happy for me, I have more hope for the future now.

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