2015. július 11., szombat

I've had my heart broken twice. I am the most miserable person ever alive now. I don't know what to do.

Sorry for my imprefect english, it's not my first language. I've had my heart broken two times in my life. One time wasn't THAT bad (as I was pretty prepared for it and saw that coming). Second time- happend few days ago, made me feel like the most hopeless person in the history. First things first I need to tell you a little backstory. I am 18, I am gay (or, let's say, gay-ish. I find it hard to label myself. Anyway...). Some time ago (I think it will be three years soon already) I fell in love. With a friend. Let's call him Adam. After some time of false signals from him etc I came out to him. And it turned out he wasn't like that, he wasn't gay and we could never be together. So- THIS was the first time I've had my heart broken. After that there was some awkwardness between us because of it, but you know what? After all this whole situation got us a little closer as friends. My feelings for him unfortunately haven't changed since then. I am still deeply and hopelessly in love with him. And he knows it. As well as one girl knew it. Let's call her Alice. Who's Alice? Now, sorry for complicating it, but Alice was a friend of my friend. This mutual friend of our had a birthday, and I united with Alice to get the best birthday gift we could. I didn't talk with Alice too much before, but since we started working on that gift together- we talked everyday. The conversations were soo nice, one night I decided I would come out to her and tell her about some of my problems. Since then she knew my whole story (about how I am gay and in love with my closest male friend). When we had everything about the gift worked out and planned- we went shopping to buy it. By "we" I mean me, her and Adam. This was the first time they talked. After that we met a few times. Adam came to me, and then we went to her, or we all met somewhere, or we all went somewhere by a car, etc. Alice became a good friend of mine, I trusted her. For few last times that we had a meeting like that I felt like I was a background. They were constantly talking to each other and when I was saying something they were interrupting me to talk to each other like I wasn't even there with them. I started suspecting something weird, but I didn't say a word. A week or so ago we've had a small bbq party (me, them two and few more friends). I knew Adam was there before me, but when I arrived he wasn't. I asked where he was. I've heard the answer- he was in a store. With Alice. Just them two. I was sad they didn't wait for me or anything. When they came back I saw them both together all the time. I couldn't even look at them, it felt horrible. I wasn't there till the end. I went home because I felt like I could make a scene there. I didn't want to start crying in front of my friends. Instead of that I cried myself to sleep in my own bed. The next day I saw some pictures from the party taken after I left. Alice and Adam weren't there. I thought that they both could go home. I asked someone if he walked her home as I suspected. Yes, he did. After that party I didn't hear from Alice for few days. Nothing from her. Which was weird, looking at the fact that we were talking every day before. I finally wrote to her on Facebook that I need to talk to her. She said that she's too tired and she'd rather talk with me later if it's something important. It was. So I've waited. But she was offline all the time, like she was avoiding the conversation. So I just wrote to her, explained her how stupid I felt with them and how their weirdly growing relationship makes me sad and everything. I told her it looked like she liked him or he liked her or both. And I mean "like like". It took her a whole day to answer. That message almost killed me. Firstly she said that I can't blame myself for introducing them to each other, because they would probably meet somehow anyway. Such a bullshit, they would not and I'm sure of that. Then the message said things like "I know how you feel about him. I know that it is hard for you. I feel so bad about hurting you. I worry about you a lot. You just have to understand that me and Adam really like each other and that just happened. I know how things between you and him look like. I also know that if it wasn't with me, that would happen with someone else anyway. And you would have to go through that. He says he's not like you and will never change. YOU will never change him. I am not trying to take him away from you, I could never do that. I do know it is all so hard and difficult for you. I really understand that. But you can't predict everything, and sometimes some things happen and you can't do anything about that. Adam loves me. And I love him. I believe you will understand that someday. I know you need some time. Please, try to understand me. Someday you will. I am assuring you it will not change anything between you and him." Etc. It wasn't the end of the message, I just don't see a point in quoting all of that. I feel betrayed. She knew about everything that I felt for him. She asked me "What is the difference if it wasn't me but some other girl?". For me it would be a huge difference. I wouldn't lose a friend. She didn't care about my feelings and now she wants me to care about hers. It all happened because of me. Something that I feared the most happened because I introduced them to each other. It is all because of me and I can't do anything about that. I feel so hopeless now. She talked to me about it as if she didn't see anything wrong in it. Of course she said things like "I know how you feel and I feel so bad about it, I understand you". That is a fucking joke. She knows shit, she doesn't know anything. She has no idea what I feel for him, if she had that wouldn't have happened. I also feel like she ignored my feelings completely because I am gay and she doesn't understand it. Would it happen also if I was a girl? Would she betray her friend like that? You do not do things like that to friends, I can't see logic in her mind, how the hell is it right for her? She should have thought about how I could feel when something between them started happening. I would feel too bad to do something like that if I was her. I thought she was my big friend, and it turned out she's is a big piece of shit. Now for me she is nothing more than a bag of trash, I hate her. I don't know how to deal with that situation. I feel so weak. People, tell me, is it wrong to feel that right? I feel like the only right person in all of this. I don't understand her opinion and her logic at all. I know that is hard and stupid question, but... What should I do now? Was anyone of you in a situation like this? Help me, I am tired of all of it...TL;DR: Girl, who I thought was my friend, started a relationship with boy, who she knew, I love deeply. And her name wasn't really Alice.

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