2017. december 27., szerda

Suffering from a terrible breakup- should I move on?

A bit misleading- obviously I should, but should I try and do so now? Me and my ex shared an intense, loving relationship for a few months, before it ended abruptly because of his anxiety back in October. It was awful, like out of a nightmare, but he let me down gently, and expressed hope we could get back together someday. That hope's been what's kept me going all this time, until just before Christmas, when I learned he'd moved on without telling me, despite us having still been talking daily. He's since cut all contact, and I'm so close to a lot of edges- going back to drugs, alcoholism, and suicide. I don't want to die, I just want the pain to stop.But this isn't my first breakup- given, this is by far the worst. I know the best solution is to just move on; people tell me I should learn to love myself, but I feel a deep, internal need for romantic emotional support to help me get back on my feet. Trouble is, this is a difficult time for getting back to dating; I'm going to be on vacation for a couple weeks in January, then getting a new job as a move back in with my mother, just a few miles from where I live now. The logical thing to do would be to wait until that's all settled through, then get back to dating, but I'm very, very worried about my mental state right now. This is a critical time for me and a lot of my family, due to the changes taking place- I can't afford any slack, and I'm scared I could be on the verge of a terrible mistake that could ruin everything. Should I just go for it, try my luck for someone willing to tolerate this busy time period in my life, or do I need to just take a step back and try and force myself through this on my own?

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