2017. december 27., szerda

a dilemma, boys!!!

recently, i've encountered a 'two buses at once' sort of situation, and i could use some advice as to how i should proceed.i'm a severely depressed person. it's a long story i won't get into, but it's made me very emotionally barren, and i hadn't felt anything for any guys in about five years, until recently. this guy is 100% my type, and we've only met a couple of times but i feel a kind of attraction to him that i haven't felt in a very long time. i have no delusion, i know we're at that stage where anything could send things tits up on a hair trigger, but, after so long, i feel i owe it to myself to at least see where this is going.also recently, i was offered a separate experience that could change my life forever. a friend has invited me to travel the world with her, which would mean i get to leave my shitty job and my shitty living situation in exchange for things i've never seen and may never get to again. the kicker is that i could be gone for upward of six months, and i'd essentially have to sever ties with my new man friend.what should i do? i see no downside to travelling where i see doubt in a new relationship, but this WILL be one of those situations where i wonder forever what would have happened if i'd taken the lunge and given this guy a go. who knows how long it'll be before i find my next romantic avenue, given it took me five years and two abusive relationships to discover this one??i'm stumped. give a brother your thoughts!

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