2017. augusztus 5., szombat

Lost and confused.

Ps this is type from a phone. And I forget to punctuate.So I just moved to Henderson Nevada from the Pocatello Idaho area and I am bisexual but I swing more on the gay side more homoromantic, but I moved in with my musical loving nudiest at home father and his husband they are very accepting but I just don't feel at home and I am shy about how I look.Was wonder a few things if anyone knew a way I could maybe find people kind of like me around here? Is it ok to be gay and not like musicals and like sports, and anime and video gaming. Could I ever find another gay person that plays league in my area.I feel lost and not at home in my own body or at my dad's place could be becouse i just moved and I want to maybe after I get a job roommate with someone.Sorry if this is all over the place I am just sad and crying and confused as all hell.Any advice?

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