2017. augusztus 28., hétfő

Still Somewhat Closeted

I really want to come out to whom I consider my best friend, the problem though is that I'm fucking deeply in love with this guy and he's married. As far as I know, he is straight but there are times that I question whether or not he might be bi. We are both in the military, submarines specifically, and being away from women for months on end I'm not gonna lie things do start the get a bit weird. And that is where my confusion on if he is bi stems from. However, there are things that we both do that make me think he is bi such as when we see each other in the morning we greet one another with a hug, we always jokingly tell each other that we love each other, except I'm not joking, and a few days ago he said something about when we drink together that it's MY hope I get him drunk enough to have sex with ME. Obviously, that threw a flag for me like 1.) either he knows that I like him or 2.) he actually hopes that happens. Here is what I'm having trouble with there have been multiple times in conversation where I wanted to come out to him and other people, not necessarily that I like him, literally yelling at myself in my head to do it but my mouth just won't let me say the words. One of my friends is openly gay and I can't even tell him I'm bi. I'm really not sure of what I'm looking for here but how were you able to come out to people.

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