2017. augusztus 28., hétfő

Telling my girlfriend I'm gay

Hi all!I'[m] 25, been in a relationship with a girl for 2 years during which I identified as bi. Unfortunately for me, reality has caught up to me in that time and I'm just realizing that there's no squirming around it, I exclusively like men.I love her, and I know I have to tell her and end it, but has anyone gone through this or have advice on how to go about doing it? She has generalized anxiety and depression and is in a pretty dark place at the moment. I'm also supposed to help her move in two days and her sister's wedding (which she isn't going to because she recently cut all ties with her family) is in less than two weeks. I'm not sure if I should wait until these major events pass. I'm not sure I can manage to hide it. Add on top of all this that we're currently fighting (us being on the outs led to me having this realization) and haven't communicated with each other since yesterday evening.Despite all the negative here, it's hard not to feel relieved that I can finally admit I'm gay. I feel so peaceful, but know I have a huge hurdle in front of me. Anything you have that might help is appreciated.

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