2017. augusztus 31., csütörtök

Community for LGBT+ people without IRL social circles

First of all, I'd like to point out that I'm incredibly sorry if this has been placed in the wrong location, or if it goes against any subreddit rules. Though, I think it's fine from reading. If not, please remove!In 2015, I set up a space for LGBT+ people online who don't have the friends, support circles or information in real life, and therefore have to find that online.Here's what we believe in:Creating a friendly, positive, and safe community for LGBTQIA+ people who may not have access to like-minded people or support in real life.Campaigning for LGBTQIA+ equality online, as well as pushing for the awareness and visibility of other human rights issues.Creating an incredibly LGBTQIA+ inclusive space. All too often transgender, intersex, asexual, and other variants of sexuality, gender, or romantic interest are left out. We do not want this to be the case in our community; we are an LGBT+ community.Creating a platform for LGBTQIA+ people to showcase their talents, designs, and creations. We really want you to grow in our community, feel free to show off your creativity.I thought this would be a good way to reach out to people, and let the relevant know that if any of those points do relate to yourself then there is a place for you.If you are interested, feel free to join here!http://ift.tt/2wnqRNM well as this we also have ethical and philosophical debates each day, gaming events, a question of the day, etc. :)

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