2017. augusztus 30., szerda

Straight roommate

Why must I fall for a straight guy? I guess we all are guilty of this. We let ourselves create this fantasy world with the hope of maybe getting together with him or something happening.I've lived with my roommate for over a year but the past 3-4 months have been very difficult. I did confess to him my feelings towards him, which I believe was a huge mistake but we still remained friends.I have always felt this connection between us but it was my mind playing a mind trick on me. I thought the body language and signals he was sending was because he was interested. It confused me honestly because I didn't know what to think.He would get drunk and sometimes come to my room and cuddle. We would get drunk and end up cuddling. Nothing more but he would say that he wanted me to suck his cock and I recorded him saying that after a night out. He really didn't say much after I replayed it. When we had conversations we maintained good eye contact and stared in each other's eyes. All this plus more confused me. He also never brought women home and really never talked to women.Here recently our next door neighbor a curvy plus size female has laid eyes on him and last night they slept together despite him talking bad about her and her weight. I have a feeling that I will be seeing more of her.I sit back and look at the situation, I see that I was the dumb one. I cooked, cleaned, did the laundry, iron, etc.. I guess I thought I could win his heart this way but I believe this was not the right approach. Please note that he doesn't have to pay rent or bills, doesn't go grocery shopping, and has leftovers from my job that he takes to work. This was all given to him because I took care of an elderly man. He offered his house free of rent and bills, so I extended the offer to him since we had an xtra room.I can say that he loves the attention and probably taking advantage of the situation.I am a little devastated about the news of him sleeping with the female and my anxiety is at an all time high. I honestly don't know what to do? I feel like leaving this place or possibly going to stay with a friend for a couple of weeks?Any suggestions?

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