2017. augusztus 5., szombat

So... I am gay and I am in a straight marriage.

I made this account just for this post/topic of my life. I am looking for some advice but before I get the "divorce your husband this isn't fair to him" please read the entire post.I am gay but have been in a straight relationship for 7 years, I am married and have a little human with my spouse.... we also have a house, pets, common interests and a pretty happy life.I am in a tough situation because I legitimately love my husband and I am attracted to him. But my desires and attraction to women are getting stronger.Growing up I pretty much knew on some level I was gay/bi. I am also extremely shy/introverted. Women never flirted or hit on me and I had no idea who to hit on woman/anyone myself.I joined some gay dating sites where only women looking for hookups ever seemed interested in me.... So I just sort of settled for men, mostly because I wanted a partner and someone to be close too. Men approached me, hit on me.... made it easy. I was never extremely attracted to the men I dated, I mean I could obviously tell they where attractive and I also took advice from my friend who ranked and rated my potential suiters.... a lot of the guys I dated had awesome personalities, I also always dated more feminine guys. I sort of chalked it up to I could be attracted to their personalities if I wasn't physically attracted to them, their personality where what was important anyway. Also at this point I was convinced I was bi, so dating a man was okay.Well fast forward to when I met my husband. We used to work together. I noticed him check me out a few times so I thought he was probably interested in me and he was the first man I had ever actually found physically attractive myself. He was a lot more feminine, I was actually a tad worried he was gay at first. He had clothes with unicorns and cupcakes and bright colors and stuff and would dye his hair pink, purple..ect, he would wear neat bright ear gauges... I totally loved that about him I also just loved the way he carried himself. So I ended up awkwardly approaching him. We dated, got married ect.... Everything was great.But I still had this attraction to woman. I still have never found another man truly attractive. But I just fine little bits of tons of women I meet attractive. Their ears, butts, personalities, voices, hair.... Ect. This feeling and longing has gotten stronger. I can honestly at this point with 100% certainty say I am gay.I have talked about this with my BFF and with my hubby. So he knows. Maybe he doesn't quite know the depth but he knows. I am only his second partner in life and his first partner is now happily married to a woman so also gay. When I told him he wasn't at all surprised.Here is where I am stuck though. I am legitimately attracted to my husband, and genuinely love him. Just he is the only man on this planet I have ever had eyes for. I know for a fact if we ever got divorced, I would only date woman. Every daydream, fantasy, little cursh I have is of a woman.I have caught myself flirting a little with woman. I used to think it was innocent because I was straight and married to a man, but now I know it's obviously not. When men flirt with me I am disgusted, when a cute woman does I am flattered and I think to myself "in another life....".I am just confused at this point and don't know what to do. My life is happy, my relationship is happy. I also feel like I am lying to myself. I also live in probably the most gay accepting city in the US and my family is super supportive so it is nothing about the fear of "coming out". Nobody else knows except for my hubby and my BFF. I dated a few girls growing up but sort of kept it on the DL, and they where pretty shitty and just wanted to use me to look cool or trendy.I guess I am at a crossroads. Has anyone else ever been here? What did you do? What would you do? I don't want to lie to myself and my family but I also don't want to loose the relationship I have with my partner now.

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