2016. június 25., szombat

Saw my crush for the first time in 3 weeks after leaving things off awkward

So cause my grades are shit i had to go to school yesterday to do credit recovery, its only for 3 hours plus I get to see kids I usally wouldn't see during summer anyways so that's kinda cool. But the kid i've been crushing on the paost 2 years was there. Which was kinda awkward cause the last time we saw each other was during exams and it was awkward. He hit me and told me to eat out his asshole, playing I assume, but after he said that the girl next to me start yelling and telling him how I would love to do that and that I suck dick and balls and shit which is aside the point. Then she said me and her brother had sex before which unless I forgot, we didn't. After like 10 mins of this my crush said "damn you're gay as fuck". Which a lot of kids in school know I am or at least assume, I know my crush does cause he teased me about it before. But then the girl told him, I've wanted him all year..... He just smiled and laugh, luckly class ended a few mins later. Bbut yeah that was the last time we saw each other until yesterday. He seemed really happy to see me, didn't bring any of that up and I saw him checking me out multiple times so im like 80% sure he's gay. So excited for this upcoming school year cause I feel were close to getting together

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