2016. június 28., kedd

It's the same me, but different.

So I'm 25, and I've been attracted to guys for a long time. Hooked up with a few in the past, just kept it 100% to myself. I'm naturally very straight acting, basically a "gay bro". I have dated women in the past but never felt real. I always kind of knew I would end up with a guy, but I just strayed away from all things relationship in the last few years to kind of put the coming out thing off. Like I was confused and not dealing with it was the best way I thought to handle it. I'm not sure if I didn't want to deal with coming out to friends or family, or if I just wasn't ready. Regardless, total rookie move.Anyway, a few months ago, I met a guy who literally changed the entire game for me. He has the most genuine and beautiful soul. He's passionate, outgoing, and corky as hell. I love it. I'm definitely more adventurous than him, but we balance each other out so well. He makes me laugh and smile all the time. I honestly catch myself just staring at him most times with a goofy smile and of course he calls me out in his own corky manner. The feelings are openly mutual which just feels so, nice. I know "nice" is an extremely lame way to describe it but it's the truth. I'm totally and 100% infatuated with him. He's openly gay and has been for a long time. With the way I feel about him, it's not fair to him that I'm not open. In the last few weeks I have been coming out to friends and family at a rapid pace because honestly I don't want to loose him. Ive met all of his friends, and they are great. He doesn't know I wasn't out to anyone at the start of this, and I feel guilty about that, but I have made seriously changes in my life or him. He's met many of my close friends (guys and girls) and they all have loved him. I've received alot of support and it's been a fairly easy process. He makes me want to be the best me I can be, and coming out had to be part of that. I'm a naturally happy person, but I honestly have never been happier. I'm sad I wasted all of this time keeping everything bottled up in regards to my sexuality, but a large part of me thinks I was just waiting for a reason to come out. I DONT KNOW, BUT WHAT I DO KNOW IS YES. JUST YES. I'm ready to be 100% me, with him by my side. Life is an exciting adventure, and I want to take that adventure with him. Our relationship is fairly new, but it's real.To all of those struggling to handle their sexuality, my advice is figure it on your terms.. no one else's. Not everything is black and white. But being your true self feels damn good. And I wish that for everyone.

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