2016. június 28., kedd

I still feel for him

Ok... So, back in 4th year high school, there was this one guy that I fell for a few weeks after the first day of class (and he is straight.) He took my phone and found that I had a stache of gay smut. He seems fine with me though. After a few more days, maybe months? He's been teasing me, grabbing my hand and putting it on his... Hmm.. "Part". There was this one event in school where we were asked to wear a uniform of our dream job. While i was just outside the classroom, he instantly pinned me to the wall, and Damn. He smells so nice, and he looks nice when he is closer. And i guess it repeat d several times? It made me fall derply for him. But i knew he was just teasing me, since he knew I was gay. While we were working on a group project (he was in one of our groups) in my house, a friend of mine asked if i was attracted to him, which i responded yes. And in a whim, i whispered 'sexually' near him. I think ive said enough past experience.My problem is that, after we graduated and went to separate colleges, my feelings for him didnt go away. I absolutely have no idea how to get over it, so i thought it would be best to ask here... Ive been thinking of him even after thoseyears. I was one day reminded of him, either a familiar scent or a picture of him he posted in his facebook.

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