2016. június 28., kedd

The FBI should answer for the Orlando shooting

So we know the FBI was in contact with the Orlando shooter for at least 10 months in 2014. We know that they contacted the shooter through a paid informant. When the FBI uses paid informants those informants usually try to get the suspect to commit acts of terror-that is how they make the big bucks. They try to get them to plan something and then entrap them and send them off to jail for plotting to commit an act of terrorism. So for at least 10 months, the FBI has some person who is paid to incite the shooter to commit acts of terror, the shooter does not comply and the FBI decides he is not a threat. I want to know what kind of conversations were going on between the shooter and the paid informant, I want to know who the targets of those threats were. Was the reason the investigation didn't go anywhere and the FBI deemed him a non-threat because he was going to target gay people only? If we know anything about the FBI it is that they get a lot of cash from the taxpayers to stop this kind of stuff and now they want more because of this incident. I think the gay community is owed a thorough investigation into what went on during the 10 months the FBI was investigating the shooter.

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