2016. június 26., vasárnap

Gay Banner On Reddit

I have no problem with gays.What I have a problem with is this gay agenda constantly being pushed down my throat. I don't want to logon and see a gay flag at the top left of my reddit screen.When the hell will you guys let up? Do you guys not realize that by constantly shoving this LGBTQ stuff in our faces we are turning the other direction? Youtube just did the same thing with the #proudtobevideo on the front page. It had a almost 2x as many downvotes as it did upvotes -- so bad to the point youtube had to disable comments.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtCyepuLt8QI highly doubt everyone who downvoted that video has a problem with homosexuals/trans -- I think the problem is with it constantly being shoved down our throat.Do you guys not realizing you are hurting yourselves with this stuff? This comes from a place of honest concern. You guys have made a lot of strides. Don't backtrack!

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