2016. június 30., csütörtök

[ADVICE NEEDED] How to Be Serious

ISSUE: I had dinner & saw a movie with this guy who I met on Tinder. It was -incredible-. We cuddled, kissed and I held him through the entire movie as he reclined on my chest. I told him EVERY single vulnerable thing about me (which was scary for him to know at first, but he kept in contact with me).He says he likes me. We're supposed to see each other tomorrow. But, some days he doesn't respond to my texts at all and other days he'll respond once the day is over. He doesn't return any of my calls.I'm going crazy because this is a guy I really fell for and I don't want to accept that he prioritizes other things like Facebook status updates over responding to me. How do I turn the tide here, because I'm already falling for him. It's difficult to explain in a rational sense but I just feel it.

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