2016. június 27., hétfő

I still love him but it needs to stop

I meet this guy two years ago while I was living abroad. From the very first moment I knew he was toxic. He is selfish and has a gift for always finding the negative part of everything. Stupid as I am I thought he could change if he would feel loved. I bought him presents, theater tickets, cooked for him, wrote him letters, and a lot of additional stuff to let him know how important he was for me. However, he was always complaining about things and making me feel awful. When I moved back to my country he decided he could not even try a long distance relationship and told be me we could only 'hang out' while I was living in the same city. We broke up.Before I left I try to talk to him and let him know I still loved him. It did not work. He rejected me every time.When I got back to my country he sent me a message saying he realized he missed me and was willing to try to make things work. Again, stupid as I was I sent him letter and presents, text him every day, and so on and so forth. One day he said he wanted to visit and booked a flight for him. Conveniently, a couple of weeks before the actual starting date of the trip he let me know he did not want to receive more letters and that we were not together anymore. I mean, I sort of knew we could not be together in a typical way since we are more than a thousand miles away but I thought we still had some kind of commitment at least.I feel so stupid, I think he just used me to get a free trip and never even cared about me. I've been locked in my room for days 'cause I just don't wanna see anyone.

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