2016. június 28., kedd

I am stuck in my attractions.

I'm a gay, 19 year old male struggling with my attractions toward older men. I have never been interested in guys my age, or younger than 45 really, although there has been one 27 year old I liked the look of, but otherwise, guys under 40 really do nothing for me.My attractions are beginning to make me depressed, I just don't know what to do. If I was the type that enjoyed meaningless no strings sex I wouldn't have a problem, but I am a very emotional person that craves cuddles, kisses, intimacy which eventually leads to developing very strong feelings for the guy involved as I have done with a 52 year old man over the last few weeks. My problem is that I'm not sure where any of this leads? - I'm out to my parents (although they do not know that I like older men) and plan to come out to friends soon ish, being gay is really not a problem for me, but liking older men is, since for a start, it's not particularly socially acceptable, and in the long term, it just doesn't work, especially since I am about to go to university.Sorry if this post is a bit dry, but I'm hoping there is someone here that has some advice or has been / is in a similar situation. I just feel a bit stuck and down to be honest because I just do not know what I am supposed to do.Thankyou.

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