2016. június 30., csütörtök

I dont know if Im gay...and I have a girlfriend. help?

I apologize in advance if this gets a bit long. Im a 20 year old male and Im constantly thinking about gay sex and cock. Usually when I jack off, I can only get off if I think about cock or watch gay porn. I do sometimes watch straight porn but its not as exciting for me or exciting at all. Im currently in a relationship with my girlfriend. We have been going out for about 2 months now. When I was single, I did have a grindr and talked to guys but was too nervous and scared to actually go through and meet them and have sex or just hang out. I met a few of really nice guys. Im just conflicted because I'm not sure if I'm gay, bisexual, or what the fuck I am. I can notice when a guy is attractive but often I stare at girls in public. I just find the beautiful and eye catching? I have looked up certain actors or guys I find attractive to just look at pictures of them and have thought wow I wouldn't mind getting fucked by them. The funny thing is that my best friend (she's a girl) gets often asked by her friends or people that don't know me if I'm gay. Idk if its because I'm always with her and we seem really close to people assume I'm gay. Also because I have good hair and a good fashion sense. Im also not afraid to be myself and do thinks that some guys may be afraid to do because of "masculinity" like actually acknowledging that a dudes beard is awesome or a guy has a good sense of style and is handsome or that puppies are cute animals. Im really conflicted and this has been bothering me so much lately and I'm so desperate. I tried to stop watching gay porn because I thought maybe thats where my problem lies but I keep breaking that. If i see anything gay on the internet or anything that hints to it, I get a boner and Im tempted to jack off and look at gay porn. another weird thing is when I get high, I act gay. I don't hold back how I feel and I go watch gay porn or look at gay porn blogs or talk to gay guys (no flirting. just talking to see how they are) or play with my asshole. Probably tmi but might as well let everything all hang out. Help?

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