2016. június 27., hétfő

My mother's behaviour regarding my sexuality is pretty confusing. Anyone got any advice?

So, getting right to the point, the way I came out, I didn't really even have to come out for my parents to know that I was gay. Let's face it, when you have Lady Gaga posters all over your wall, you obsess over plastic flowers, and you wear floral shirts, you're gay.No, but seriously, I hate to stereotype, but I am a stereotypical gay person. Me and my mother even joke sometimes when we see a hot guy on television or something that "I seen him first!"Yet, despite knowing this, my Mother will still bring up things. She will refer to my future partner as female, she will call some of my interests "fruity", and she will often say things in front of me about how gay marriage should be banned.My mother isn't homophobic at all. She tolerates gay people, I would say. She doesn't understand bisexuality, transsexuality, or transgenderism, but she's come to terms with gay people being gay, and simply being born that way.But I get the feeling she says stuff like this to try and get me to turn straight all of a sudden. Like, there's still a bit of hope inside of her that I'm straight or something.Now, some of you may be thinking that I should just tell her I'm gay so she knows and doesn't confuse it anymore, but on the rare occasions she has asked me, it's always in a very aggressive way. She considers gay men weak, and pitiful in comparison to "real men", and so whenever she asks me, she's kinda asking me whether I'm a weak pussy or something.So, it's hard to say yes. So now I just have to say that I don't know, and am not interested in it, when in reality I actually just want to scream from the top of my lungs that I like cock.It's getting easier, I have to say, and sometimes I can blurt it out casually. I can mention how hot a guy is without conflict. But it's frustrating that she acts so oblivious to it in normal conversation.So, what do you guys suggest I do? Just leave her to come to terms with it or push her into understanding?

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