2016. június 28., kedd

Gay guy in Forestry, need help

I am a professional in the forest industry in Canada. I am noticing the guys in my office using the word faggot, one who has said several terribly outlandish things and has no idea how they sound to me. The classic example is when he described how he wanted to beat the shit out of a larger effeminate man who was swishing his hipa back and forth while walking through a mall. He explained 'not because he's gay, because he thought he was so hot.'I have always tried to laugh it off, and tell stories about me and my husband that show we are just like hetrosexual couples. Tried to educate rather then get mad and bark outrage and run to HR.I don't know what to do.If I cause a stink I will alienate my coworkers and possibly build a bad reputation in industry.If I do nothing I feel like I am failing our community. I want to be an ambassador, not a door mat.None of them mean it from a place of putting anyone down for being gay, they just keep using poor choices of words and its grating.Small company, 12 people in a smallish office.What do you all think I should do?

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