2016. június 30., csütörtök

Light-hearted gay tv?

Hello! I'm sorry to say that shows like Orange is the New Black, Jessica Jones, Orphan Black, Brooklyn 9 9, Modern Family, Shameless, Cuffs, Sirens and How to Get Away with Murder have spoiled me.Seeing so many gay characters on tv who are so incredibly well fleshed out and actually relevant to the main plot (as opposed to being comic relief or token diversity) has made it impossible for me to go back to my old tv habits. Basically I only watch stuff now if it has gay people in it and they matter.Unfortunately this limits my options greatly. I have scoured the internet for all the gay-inclusive tv-series I could find but I'm kinda stuck now (I've had a lot of free time on my hands lately so I'm running out of options at this point).Does anyone know any worthwhile series for me to waste my life with?

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