2016. június 26., vasárnap

"Don't date black guys."

Sorry for another rant. I don't mean to be a downer.So last week I went out to a gay club in my local town. After many years of failed dating experiences with app, for example not getting a response for weeks, I gave up on dating. Last week I went out to show support for the lgbt community after the Orlando shooting. Well, long story short, I ended up leaving with a white guy (I'm black) and we ended up making out at his place. The dude told me I'm attractive and complimented me for being nice. Later we ended up watching a TV show and there was a black character in the show and for some reason he made a comment about how he would never date a black guy to me (I don't think he meant to say that out loud), I sat there for about 30 seconds in silence until he apologized for being "blunt" and "honest". I'm still confused about how I could be called attractive and nice, but under no circumstances am I allowed to be dating material because of my race.This situation kinda reassured my insecurities about being black and gay. Constantly having to deal with homophobia in one community and then dealing with racism ("sexual preferences") in one community. Has anyone dealt with someone similar to this? Could I be dealing with crap because I'm in Texas or is this shit common everywhere? What does one do to keep their head up because honestly it's getting harder for me to be prideful when I feel like most of the gay community is racist and they don't give two shits about their racism.

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