2016. február 7., vasárnap

Problems With Hookups

I am a bisexual male age 19I am in college and currently have 2 friends with benefits going on. lets call them Garret and Teddy.Garret (21) Garret is such a nice guy and when we first met he says he was not looking for a relationship. He always invites me over and we do hangout. He is always texting me tho asking how im doing , how cute I am, how happy he is to hangout with me , and he texts me when he misses me ,making me think he wants more then a friends with benefits, the texting does not annoy me because he is a great guy and he is really nice and maby he just texts alot idk.Teddy (19) Teddy is really atractive but other then that we dont have much in common. He does not text me much but he has expressed that he really likes me.I am having sex with both of these people frequently 4-6 times a week, sometimes twice in one day, and I feel that both of them are getting attached to me. I am worried I might hurt there feelings because I am currently not looking for a relationship.A month ago I had a friends with benefits thing with one of my friends Sam (19) over christmas break, It was great we hungout 3 or 4 times a week and we would get high and have amazing sex. and when it all ended because I had to go back to college there was no drama, It could not have gone better!!!!!!!So hear is my question am I doing the wrong thing by continuing to have relations with Garret and Teddy if i am not looking for a relationship and they are? And am I leading these two on?Note: Teddy does not know about Garret and Garret does not know about Teddy.

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