2016. február 7., vasárnap


*Sorry if my english is badHi everyone, I'm Joshua, I'm 16 years old and I'm mexican :DThe past week my best friend (she is straight) get a boyfriend (her first one), and I'm so happy for her! She looks so happy everytime and her boyfriend is amazing! But then this happens to me: A part of me envies her, In the past we used to joke about the fact that seems that everyone have or had a boyfriend/girlfriend in our school (I haven't come out) or we never had our first kiss and now It's seems like I'm completely alone with this, and I know it will be hard for me on Valentine's Day seeing happy couples everywhere. Because I haven't come out, I have never talked to anyone about this, and I know some of you guys have been through this before or are still struggling with this.I want advices, If you didn't have a problem with that or a way to don't feel so sad in these moments.

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