2016. február 7., vasárnap

Need a bit of help please

I am a bisexual male and recently broke up with my girlfriend at the beginning of winter break. It was a mutual break up but I felt really depressed for a week or so. Then I ended up going to my friends house. We will call my friend tyler. Me and tyler have been friends since freshman year of high school we love all the same stuff and we both have had feelings for each other for years although it never was more then making out. Anyway one day he invited me over and we ended up naked in a hot tub together and we decided to have a casual relationship all break. It was great and helped me get over my ex. Then when winter break ended I had to leave tyler which was sad. I still miss tyler because are relationship got romantic. He was the first male I ever had feelings for.When I got back to college I kinda dismissed tyler and I have not missed him much in the past few weeks I have met two new guys.So now that that'd out of the way. I am currently back in college and I have met two guys that I have been hooking up with very frequently. They are both catching feelings for me and one of them constantly texts me telling me what a great guy I am and how much he likes me. And the other one does the same they are both gay btw.So now I am in a predicament I am not developing feel I 's for either of these guys. I like them and the sex is great but I just feel bad that I don't like them as much as they like me.don't get me wrong one of the guys is wicked nice and we spend hours cuddling and watching Netflix and its a blast. But as far as anything romantic I don't think I can deliver.So here's my question. I kinda feel like I'm leading them on and I don't know what to do.

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