2016. február 21., vasárnap

Could this person have gotten in trouble?

OK, so over 6 months ago, I spoke with this guy on grindr who told me that there were a lot of bad people on grindr but he was not one of them, but did send me inappropriate pictures but I was somehow leaded on so we texted each other and decided on the possibility of meeting up. I felt strange like something could be wrong, so I looked up the number and found a link to a website saying the guy had been arrested and charged with raping a 20 year old man. At only 18, I was really scared and additionally it said he was 50, while he had told me on grindr that he was 40. While I'm not going to even further bother with this situation and it happened such a long time ago, could this person have gotten into trouble? What he did was be manipulative and he potentially had tried to get me into a dangerous situation. I just cut off all contact and never used grindr ever again, and decided to always show up when meeting someone online with a friend and never to go beyond a 18-23 age limit when dating.

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