2015. december 13., vasárnap

I don't know what's going on in my partner's (?) head

For background information about me, I'm a teenager in highschool and still don't know who I am, but I think I'm mostly gay. Also I'm still very much closeted. I live in a very conservative area, which is part of the reason I still am. I play hockey with ordinary guys and me and my friends are all "trouble makers"...drinking, smoking shit...that crap. I met a guy that's a year older then me, I'll call him J for now.A year ago when I met J, I could tell he was different like me and I couldn't tell if he knew about me. Until we were all at a party and things got a little crazy. Let's just say me and J sneaked away from everyone and did some pretty dirty shit. Now this was crazy because we were suppose to be "tough straight teenagers who get into trouble". After that night J and I just broke apart and we haven't talked in a year.Now in the present, J is now on my hockey team and he seems pretty differnt. He's now a huge player with the ladies. This alone really confuses me. I finally got the courage to ask him recently what he is (I asked if he was bi). J said he doesn't know and I said I don't either, but he also said he would do what we did last year at the party again if we had the chance. Then I told him we should again soon. The next day he acts like nothing happened and likes chicks again supposedly. I don't know what to do. I really like him, but I have no clue if he will ever like me back. No idea what to do..

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